Let's begin
For some of you it's a trip to the Dallas Gift Market, for some of you it's buying equipment, and for some it will be using what you have already on hand. We help you figure out POS systems, retail interior design spacing, marking merchandise and inventory systems. Curb appeal from your front porch is as important as the content inside and we can help you design the mood you have only dreamed of in your head. We want the entry to your shop to be filled with color, with intrigue and with an irresistible pull that lures the passerby right into your domain. This is where the ownership takes place. Where you look around and you realize,"I did this", "I created this", "I made this happen." And YES girl you did!! You will look behind you at a team of seasoned entrepreneurs that celebrate with you, that understand the struggle, the excitement and the fear. You will be among some of America's greatest. One of risk takers, innovators, and entrepreneurs. Welcome to the club.
What will you accomplish?
By the end of Month 7 you will have hung your signs, added your final touches to your curb appeal and fine tuned everything you learned and prepared in months 1-3. You will test your merchant services account, set up your envelope accounting, input your POS information, get your occupancy permit, hang your ADA posters, wipe down counters, and notice every single unattended detail. You will question every decision you've made since the beginning, but will dig deep to know they were right for you, and you will stand by them. You will learn your register like the back of your hand. Your register ringing is your survival and you need to understand every thing about it. You will need photos. Thousands of them. You have an upcoming e-commerce website and now before sales happen, in the quiet moments, when it all looks perfect, get your photos. Once customers start coming it turns into controlled chaos and those perfect picture moments never happen again. You need them for social media for marketing, for memory at your merchandise market the next time. Take photos. Take photos. Take photos. Selfies... yawn....that's for the ones that don't grind. You have story to tell and it's not about how good you look with a cappuccino, they are about the awesomeness of WHAT YOU DO!!